
4. The management of the Telefónica Movistar Colombia Foundation is not included in the Company’s Financial Statements.


Telefónica Movistar
Foundation Strategy

In 2023, the Telefónica Movistar Foundation promoted social inclusion. To do this, specific strategies were implemented aimed at particularly supporting groups of children, parents, women, migrants, people with disabilities and vulnerability. 

Projects and actions are carried out maximizing the number of beneficiaries reached with clear and efficient management of allocated resources, which have been dedicated to training in digital and socio-emotional skills, with itineraries that address and consider the needs and context of the participants.

Alliance management has been carried out transparently, independently of the Company’s commercial or contractual activities, strictly complying with the Telefónica Group’s principles of action and regulations. Global training solutions have also been developed that consider the four work areas, with an integral intervention that has contributed to closing the digital gap in territories, according to the national or local development plan.

The Telefónica Movistar Foundation continues to develop its strategic plan, supported by three strategic lines with its objectives and projects implemented in each axis, forming the guiding process to materialize the vision for the coming years:

  • Implementation of Projects
  • Positioning
  • Participation in Public Policy

During 2023, the Telefónica Movistar Foundation adopted a narrative approach focused on the tangible impacts that its programs generate in the lives of beneficiaries.

Through the #HistoriasQueInspiran strategy — 
This approach allowed the community and interested individuals each week to immerse themselves in personal stories that transcend numbers, providing a deeper and more human understanding of the Telefónica Movistar Foundation’s contributions to society. 

Throughout this chapter, the most outstanding stories of each work area will be shown. 

2023 Management:
Achievements and Results

Total Beneficiaries and General Indicators

In 2023, a total of 1,861,317 people were beneficiaries, distributed as follows:






parents and caregivers


youth and adults




beneficiaries of Social Action and Volunteering


unique users of digital content views, forums and exhibition visits

The Foundation had a presence in all 32 departments of the country (100% of departments) and in 853 of the 1,101 municipalities (77.4% of national coverage). 140 (82%) territories of the Territorial Development Programs with Territorial Focus (PDET) were reached.

Telefónica Movistar Foundation Investment

The Telefónica Foundation, for the implementation of programs and projects, carried out actions worth 6,560 million pesos, which come mainly from the donors, ProFuturo Foundation and Telefónica Spain Foundation, allocated as follows:

  • The ProFuturo Foundation contributed 3,111 million pesos to the realization of the projects of the Digital Education axis.
  • The Telefónica Spain Foundation allocated 953 million pesos to the realization of the projects of the Employability and Digital Entrepreneurship, Knowledge and Digital Culture axes, and Social Action and Volunteering.
  • 89 million pesos were managed from the Corporate Volunteering program in Colombia, allocated to donations of school kits and the purchase of food for vulnerable populations, coming from the volunteer donation campaigns.
  • Finally, 2,407 million pesos were executed for the administrative management of the operation.

and Projects

ProFuturo Program

ProFuturo is a program of the Digital Education axis, promoted by the Telefónica Movistar Foundation and the “la Caixa” Foundation, with a presence in over 40 countries, making it one of the largest educational initiatives in the world. In Colombia, this program is developed by the Telefónica Movistar Foundation, through strategic alliances with public and private entities at the national and territorial levels, which allows reaching 100% of the national territory.

Its objective is to reduce the educational gap and improve the quality of education for children in Colombia through teacher training focused on educational innovation, the use of technology in the classroom, and access to open digital resources that promote the 21st-century skills necessary in the digital age.

Intervention Models

In the educational field, the ProFuturo program implements two intervention models with the objective of transforming the educational experience for both teachers and students.

ProFuturo contributes to the achievement of Objective 4 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations (SDG 4): ‘Ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education, promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all’. In this sense, the program reaches educational institutions in vulnerable environments, both in urban and rural areas, benefiting teachers throughout the country and students through open digital resources managed by their teachers. 

ProFuturo Integral Model

The initiative develops a digital teaching-learning experience to enhance pedagogical practice through the educational use of technology by teachers, promoting meaningful learning for students. To achieve this, key components such as teacher professional development, pedagogical support, technical support, a learning platform, technological equipment adapted to needs, an integral monitoring and evaluation system, as well as the development of specialized events and collaboration between teachers are linked.

The ProFuturo Integral Model has integrated a diagnostic system in 2023 to measure the levels of appropriation and performance of the educational institutions involved. This diagnosis uses criteria that cover the levels of appropriation, the frequency of use of resources by teachers and students, the commitment of managers and allies, the conditions of maintenance of the infrastructure, as well as the dedication of teachers to training processes and their participation in events and activities promoted by the Telefónica Movistar Foundation. 

ProFuturo Open Training Model

This training model aimed at teachers addresses topics such as: educational innovation, leadership, communication, classroom planning and digital skills, which can be done in self-training or with the support of a virtual tutor, responsible for facilitating teachers’ exploration of the platform, monitoring their training, accessing open digital resources in the classroom, and valuable information on specialized events and publications, which aim to facilitate teachers’ effective application of this knowledge in their pedagogical practices, ensuring that students benefit from their learning. 

The training offer is divided into schools of knowledge, which allow the development of learning itineraries and deepening on topics of interest such as:

  • School of Mathematics
  • Digital Competence School
  • School of Computational Thinking and Artificial Intelligence
  • School of Educational Innovation
  • Citizenship School
  • School of Multiple Literacies

Target audiences and number of beneficiaries



Integral Model


Open Model


Children and adolescents


Integral Model


ProFuturo Mathematics


Open Model 



  • In 2023, over 59,000 teachers were certified in ProFuturo, improving their skills in educational innovation and classroom technology, belonging to 729 municipalities in the country.
  • The skills of over 9,000 students 8 to 12 years old were strengthened in logical reasoning and problem-solving through the ProFuturo mathematics platform, which uses adaptive learning based on artificial intelligence.
  • The 11th edition of the ProFuturo Teacher Meetings was held, with dialogues with educators and education experts about the relationship between education and artificial intelligence and its application in areas such as formative assessment, inclusive education, socio-emotional care and data-driven decision-making. More than 500 people participated live; over 3,600 webinars were viewed, with access to tutorials, guides, podcasts, and a WhatsApp group of over 600 teachers was formed.
  • The series of webinars “Digital Education in the Americas: Best Practices to Inspire” organized by the OAS and ProFuturo was launched, Colombia being the leading country in the Mapping of Best Practices in Digital Education in the Americas, in which Colombian teachers who excelled in this initiative participated: Ramón Majé Floriano, Andrés Cardona Franco and Érika Rueda.
  • Relevant training processes were generated through alliances with SENA and the University of La Salle, promoting training in educational innovation and ICT skills for over 700 instructors and teachers in training with routes of over 120 hours.

Project Escuela
TIC Familia

This is an initiative that arises from joint work between the Telefónica Movistar Foundation, MinTIC, and Computadores para Educar to contribute to closing the intergenerational digital divide.

The objective is to facilitate the participation of parents and caregivers in the education of their children, involving them in a digital literacy program that provides them with essential tools to use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), understanding the risks and opportunities on the Internet, as well as effectively leveraging technology in various areas. 

Intervention Models

  • Direct Training: It is carried out with the support of a tutor who provides support from registration on the platform to certification. The contents developed in the course are: ICT Operation, Use, Own and Community Well-being, and ICT Leveraging.
  • Social Service: Strategy that is developed within the framework of Social Service, the community practice that secondary and technical high school students must carry out, as an application of the knowledge acquired throughout the educational process and in pursuit of personal and community development. In this model, educational institutions, teachers, and students are linked under the coordination of a tutor to subsequently support the training process of parents and caregivers. 

Publics and number of beneficiaries


parents trained through Social Service actions 


parents and caregivers with direct training 



  • The project was carried out in 150 municipalities in the country, where parents and caregivers received knowledge and tools so they can support their children’s academic process, thus strengthening the connection between education at home and at school.
  • Consolidation of a partnership with the Grupo Familia Foundation, with which the project involved recyclers from across the country, benefiting over 30 adults in Barranquilla, who acquired knowledge in digital tools, integrating them with their daily activities.
  • In the framework of the partnership with the Corporación Urrea Arbeláez-Leonisa, 214 account executives benefited, who were trained in basic digital skills, which strengthened their personal and professional development in the performance of their daily activities by making use of technology.

Piensa en Grande (Think Big) Project

This is an initiative of the Telefónica Movistar Foundation, framed within the Employability and Digital Entrepreneurship Axis, aimed at strengthening the development of social skills and digital skills for entrepreneurship, problem-solving, and life in general through an innovative and disruptive methodology. Its objective is to guide, train and support young people, teachers, and women to develop 21st-century skills and competencies through innovative strategies and actions that enable professional and occupational transition processes and involve them in entrepreneurship.

Intervention Models

The project is carried out based on the following strategies:

  • Methodological Transfer: It consists of training and supporting professionals or facilitators from interested entities in the project with the aim of leaving a capacity installed that contributes to the sustainability of actions. This group of professionals is trained in the project’s emphases and methodology, and they in turn carry out the process with their beneficiary groups. This strategy has the support of the Telefónica Movistar Foundation to guarantee the quality and conditions of the implementation’s deployment.
  • Meetings: Training spaces for strengthening in adults and youth, socio-emotional skills, innovation, entrepreneurship and employability skills, seeking to respond to the needs of the environment, through a methodology based on challenges and challenges, guided by Pedagogical Advisers. There are three types of meetings: Type I in socio-emotional skills, Type II in skills for entrepreneurship, and Type III in skills for employability.

Publics and number of beneficiaries


young people and adults in the Meetings modality


young people and adults in the Methodological Transfer modality


  • Through the implementation of the Meetings strategy and the methodological transfer of the Piensa en Grande project, it was possible to impact 56,735 young people and adults from 141 allied entities belonging to 41 municipalities in the country. During this process, their technical skills and socio-emotional skills were strengthened, effectively guiding them towards entrepreneurship as elements that guide the participants’ life projects.
  • During the implementation phase, a high demand was identified in Meetings focused on life skills and entrepreneurial skills. As a result, a dynamic learning community environment and collaborative movements have been generated among teachers, professionals, pedagogical advisers and the young people themselves. This strategy has proven to be an effective catalyst for the development of entrepreneurial skills and the promotion of collaboration in the educational context.

Conecta Empleo Project

Conecta Empleo is a project framed within the Employability and Digital Entrepreneurship Axis. This initiative’s main objective is to promote labor inclusion and the development of digital skills among young people, providing specialized training in areas linked to information and communication technologies (ICT). The goal is to contribute to the development of digital skills and transversal competencies for employability or entrepreneurship in young people and adults, with emphasis on technical, technological areas, through specialized content and valuable content.

Intervention Models

  • Open Offer: Under the self-training modality, aimed at young people (over 16 years old) and adults, from different regions of the country, with an educational level in secondary education, high school graduates, technicians, technologists and professionals interested in acquiring technical and socio-emotional skills. The offer of over 40 courses is visible to all users, from which each person autonomously selects the courses to take, develops the training, and accesses the certificate. Public courses are not tutored, but are backed by the Telefónica Movistar Foundation’s support team.
  • Tailor-made training itineraries: Together with allied entities and based on the needs, characteristics and profiles of stakeholder groups, relevant and integral training routes are established. This strategy has specific unique access links for the allied entity, in which users can access training and the tutor can admit and accept users. Resources are available for the ally, such as chosen forums, moderated by a designated tutor, access control to the platform and the download of participant data and statistics.
  • Escuela Impulso Mujer: In partnership with the Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina, training is offered, backed by academia, with the purpose of qualifying women in socio-emotional and technical skills so that they are increasingly competitive in the Technology sector.
  • Bootcamp in Digital Marketing: Strategy for women entrepreneurs, with a practical approach based on their own experiences and needs, contributing to growth and the exploration of new markets, and the strengthening of professional profiles that will bring them closer to new work opportunities. This action is carried out jointly with other Latin American countries (Chile, Peru and Ecuador).
  • Tutored Model: With allied entities that have a potential beneficiary population of 300 participants or more, a professional is assigned by the ally, who is trained in the project and the management of the platform, who acts as a tutor and carries out support and monitoring actions for the different beneficiary groups, achieving a process with high levels of approval.
  • Artificial Intelligence Tools: Designed to connect people with new employability, through access to information about the most in-demand professions and skills in the digital world. They also offer useful information for decision-making for the public sector, training providers and career guidance services, which improves the training and guidance offer available to people. These tools are:
    • Skills Map for Employment: An interactive tool that analyzes the labor offer in the region and shows the most in-demand digital professions and skills
    • Career Counselor: Conversational interface or chatbot that offers information on the most in-demand professions and skills in the digital world, selects the best online training offer to prepare for them, and recommends the most suitable digital professional profiles for each person.
  • Digital Content: Dissemination of valuable content through the different communication channels of the Telefónica Movistar Foundation, aimed at young people, adults, women, and interested audiences, in the format of webinars, workshops, and capsules on trending topics of employability, entrepreneurship, socio-emotional and 21st-century skills that inspire, sensitize and bring new audiences closer.

Publics and number of beneficiaries


young people and adults benefited from the Conecta Empleo project 


people who access digital content


  • Optimal use of available resources was made through the implementation of virtual modality projects and the leveraging of the Foundation’s global content, with actions that promoted the closing of digital, gender, and socio-economic condition gaps of the beneficiary population.
  • The Conecta Empleo project benefited 106,369 young people and adults from 432 municipalities in the country, who managed to train and improve their skills and competencies for the new employability, increased their employment opportunities, professional and personal development in the new digital society, through the construction of training itineraries in articulation with 10 public and private entities in the country.
  • Partnerships were forged with strategic entities such as the Department of Social Prosperity (DPS), with whom 10,403 young people from across the country were reached, with course itineraries based on the participants’ training needs.
  • In partnership with the Corporación Urrea Arbeláez – Leonisa, a positive impact has been achieved on 406 people associated with the entity. This impact ranges from basic digital literacy to the implementation of specialized courses such as Conecta Empleo and Entrepreneurship, to raise their living conditions. The partnership has facilitated the provision of resources and training opportunities, enabling these women to successfully navigate the digital environment and strengthen their entrepreneurial skills.
  • In the Digital Marketing Bootcamp, the Universidad del Norte became a partner, carrying out beneficiary outreach actions and assigning a teacher for the training. In the process, 79 people were trained, 36 people completed the program, and 19 approved the training itineraries.

Knowledge and
Digital Culture Axis

Initiatives through which knowledge and digital culture are disseminated, through forums, exhibitions, and publications that build spaces for reflection, learning, and dialogue. The objective is to disseminate knowledge and digital culture to transform society through public debate, identifying the challenges facing the country to contribute to finding solutions jointly and in an articulated manner.

Intervention Models

It is developed through the following strategies:

  • Forums: They contribute to the debate on the most relevant and current issues, with the aim of promoting spaces for discussion, learning, dialogue and joint reflection, bringing citizens together to face the challenges of the digital society. In addition, spaces are created for creation, communication, and joint work through partnerships with public and private entities that allow contributing to national and territorial plans and, at the same time, to the positioning of the Telefónica Movistar Foundation.
  • Exhibitions: Approaching art and culture to the population, through experiences that highlight the value and importance of artistic expressions, taking technology as a facilitator, through virtual experiences that reach all regions of the country.
  • Publications: Dissemination and generation of knowledge that brings audiences closer to relevant topics and new trends for the culture, technology, education, employability, and digital society sectors. As a strategy to bring children and young people closer, content was adapted into workshops, with the aim of strengthening reading and writing skills, through learning spaces that allow valuing the opinions of stakeholders. In addition, the publication of Telos Magazine was mobilized, which addresses issues related to digital transformation, the impact of technology on society, digital trends, digital culture, and other related issues, as content accessible to all audiences.

Publics and number of beneficiaries

Children, youth, adults, people deprived of liberty, and the general population were benefited:


views of published
content in Forums 


unique visitors to
Virtual Exhibitions 


  • The axis had 65,213 views and unique visitors, which recognize the added value of the content and the importance of science, art, culture, digital citizenship and technology as an element that brings them closer and informs them.
  • Events were developed that positioned relevant topics in the face of the Digital Society, the digitization of culture and the knowledge of the digital world with the Digital Society forum and the launch of the II report for Latin America. This space allowed reflection and analysis on how the digital society is influencing key areas such as education, inclusion, the economy and digital transformation, and how to collaborate to address the challenges and maximize the benefits of this digital revolution in Latin America. Two events were held: a panel with Telefónica Colombia managers presenting the results; and an interview conducted by the media outlet ‘Impacto TIC’ with four of the report’s authors. This allowed for 996 views of this content.
  • Two workshops were held in webinar format: ‘Women in Science: A journey to space without leaving Earth’ and ‘AI 360: The Revolution of Everyday Life’. These topics allowed addressing issues such as the inclusion of women and technology, training needs, challenges and the challenges they face when participating in and being recognized in this sector. In relation to AI, it was possible to identify its relevance in people’s lives and daily routines, facilitating daily tasks, improving their efficiency, and providing personalized experiences. These two workshops achieved a reach of 32,937 views.
  • In the Virtual Exhibition strategy, the Marte, Nosotros Robots and Conectados exhibitions were mobilized, which, through interactive tours, show how science and technology coexist, simplifying today’s digital life. 30,010 unique visitors were reached.
  • Through the Telos strategy, 100 student training workshops were carried out, which are creative spaces through emerging pedagogies, with new ways of approaching teaching-learning processes based on current dynamics and the new culture of education. The goal of these workshops was to foster a love of reading and written culture.
  • In articulation with the Social Action and Volunteering axis, the Telos Reading Workshop was adapted, training Volunteers in the methodology and implementing the workshops in INPEC Detention Centers through the ¡Por qué decir NO! (Why say NO!) Campaign, with the support of the Presidential Office for National Reconciliation. The campaign involved people deprived of liberty in the creation of stories, comics, texts, letters that will be used as messages to sensitize young people to say ¡NO! to crime in a timely manner.
  • The Juan Felipe Gómez Escobar Foundation was supported in the realization of the Women Working for the World 2023 Forum, an event on women’s empowerment and social transformation, where initiatives and projects that are committed to building a more just and inclusive society were shared, on issues of gender, inclusion and sustainable social development. 1,065 attendees participated in person, including opinion leaders, entrepreneurs, students, women from the Apple Program of the Bogotá Women’s Secretariat, members of the Military Forces and Police, and general audiences interested in social transformation issues.
  • With the Oficina para la Cultura SAS entity, the Voltage Exhibition was held in its tenth version, a national and international reference that reflects the changing dynamics around the interactions between Art, Science and Technology, with projects in artificial intelligence, robotics, cartography, interactive installations and data visualization-based art, among others. Activities were carried out with a group of 20 students from the EAN University in the Cultural Management program, who visited the exhibition and participated in the different activities. In addition, the Dissemination Forum was held with the Universidad de los Andes with the participation of teachers, students and experts who explored the intersection between art, technology and the environment. Finally, 3 workshops were held related to the construction of holograms for cell phones, computer-generated visual arts, and learning through meta images and new paradigms of creativity in the María Montessori and San Francisco Educational Institutions in Bogotá.

Corporate Social Action
and Volunteering Program

Corporate Volunteering is an initiative developed by the Telefónica Movistar Foundation, framed within its social commitment and corporate responsibility. The objective is to promote the culture of Volunteering as an agent of change to add solidarity through the capabilities of Telefónica employees and allied social entities.

Intervention Models

Strategies in Vulnerable Groups:
  • Social vulnerability: Initiatives that focus on meeting basic needs, environmental and social awareness, support in crisis and emergency situations, as well as emotional support for vulnerable groups. In addition, educational integration is promoted and training is provided to promote labor inclusion, without placing exclusive emphasis on digital skills.
  • Digital vulnerability: Initiatives aimed at reducing the digital divide, promoting the safe use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), boosting digital adoption and developing digital skills for employment in vulnerable groups, with emphasis on digital education.
  • Social innovation: Initiatives that promote the connection between Telefónica Group’s own innovation and the realities and needs of the entities with which it collaborates.

Areas of Action:
  • Development of skills and digital literacy in vulnerable groups
  • Attention to basic needs
  • Promotion of safe and responsable use of technology
  • Promotion of environmental actions
  • Contribution to improving employability
  • Promotion and development of health
  • Enhancement of digital and quality education in vulnerable groups
  • Promotion of leisure, culture and inclusive sports
  • Support for the digital transformation of social entities
  • Support for people in situations of loneliness
  • Strengthening social entities
  • Promotion of socio-cultural integration
  • Attention to basic needs and awareness-raising campaigns on different topics directed at vulnerable groups

Publics and number of beneficiaries


unique volunteers


direct beneficiaries


volunteering hours


  • In 2023, 56% (1,502) of the volunteers were Telefónica employees, while 44% (1,198) were external individuals who joined through social entities or independently.
  • During this period, 120 employees from various areas of the Company participated in in-person space conditioning activities. These volunteers dedicated approximately 360 hours to planting trees, beautifying community areas, and adapting classrooms and educational areas.
  • 155 activities were executed. These were distributed as follows:
    • 125 in person, providing opportunities for direct interaction.
    • 26 events held virtually.
    • 4 activities were hybrid, combining in-person and virtual elements to maximize reach and participation in training activities within the framework of the DIVT, robotics, and a Movistar sin Barreras workshop.
  • Thanks to the generous donations of 156 employees, a total of 47.7 million pesos were raised. These funds were allocated to support educational activities for children with the delivery of school kits.
  • On Telefónica International Volunteer Day (DIVT), 840 volunteers celebrated the festival of solidarity through sports activities, environmental protection, beach cleaning, adaptation of educational and community spaces, virtual reality training, digital literacy and creative reading.
  • With the aim of supporting school attendance and permanence, a total of 26 bicycles were delivered in different territories, 20 of which were acquired with resources from the Telefónica Colombia Foundation and 6 with the contribution of World Bicycle Relief and World Vision International, in six educational institutions located in the territories of Montería and Cotorra in Córdoba, Soacha in Cundinamarca, Luruaco in Atlántico, La Paz in La Guajira, Puerto Leguízamo in Putumayo, San José del Guaviare in the Guaviare, Puerto Carreño in the Vichada, and Cartagena del Chaira and Solano in the Caquetá.
  • Through the delivery of school kits, educational support was provided to 581 children in 17 territories across the country. This effort benefited students from 12 educational institutions, three social entities and two municipal mayors’ offices (Madrid and Soacha).
  • During the Christmas campaign, a total of 2,233 gifts were delivered to children in 20 cities across the country, through 35 social entities. Of these, 962 were from employees and 1,271 from the Telefónica Foundation.

Awareness-raising actions:

  • Social actions were carried out at the Buen Pastor and La Modelo prisons in Bogotá, with the participation of 32 people deprived of their liberty from Buen Pastor and 48 from La Modelo. This achievement was possible thanks to the dedication of 15 Telefónica employees, who carried out voluntary actions promoting awareness-raising messages.
  • In collaboration with the Colombian League Against Cancer, awareness-raising actions were implemented to contribute to education and prevention of breast cancer. This effort involved 70 volunteers in the development of the Games of Good missions and the cycling tour.

Actions to adapt community and educational spaces:

  • In collaboration with the Bogotá Habitat Secretariat, a group of 120 volunteers dedicated their time and effort to beautifying the Ciudad Berna, Galicia and Calima parks. This joint effort had a significant impact on the improvement of these public spaces, creating more attractive and welcoming environments for the community.
  • In addition, another team of 60 volunteers carried out a 5-hour session focused on adapting educational spaces at the La Palestina educational institution. During this activity:
    • Didactic games were created to enhance student learning and creativity.
    • Adaptation work was carried out in the recycling space, promoting environmental awareness within the institution.
    • Furniture was built to provide comfortable and functional rest areas.
    • Cleaning and planting were carried out in the garden, contributing to the creation of a greener and more sustainable educational environment.

Environmental protection actions:

  • In collaboration with the International Green Foundation, the first SpoGomi was held on the slopes of the Cali River with the participation of 60 volunteers, both from Telefónica and other entities.
  • In partnership with the Autonomous Corporation of Santander, the planting of over 600 trees on the Mesa de los Santos was successfully carried out.
  • Thanks to the strategic alliance with ATC Sitios De Colombia S.A.S. and the Eco Global Foundation, a reforestation project was implemented in the Anatoli district, La Mesa (Cundinamarca), specifically in the El Helechal stream.

Launch of the White Paper on Digital Transformation:

  • As part of the International Volunteer Day celebration event, organized by the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce and the Business Volunteering Network, the White Paper on Digital Transformation for the Third Sector was launched. At this event, awards were given to 7 of the 13 entities that participated in the development of the publication.

and Partnerships

Articulation with Allies

In articulation with the Company and allies, the Telefónica Movistar Foundation achieved the positioning of the Telefónica Movistar Foundation as a benchmark in digital education through participation in events such as:

  • Ascofade Panel: Vision of Business Foundations on teacher training. (March 31, 2023 – Bogotá).
  • Presentation of the Map and Report of Good Practices in Digital Education in the Americas – Colombia Chapter OAS – ProFuturo Alliance. (April 26, 2023 – Bogotá).
  • Book Fair, with the staging of creative reading and Artificial Intelligence in the classroom workshops, Design Thinking workshops and the Little Bits tool. (April 18 to May 2, 2023).
  • Panel E: The future of innovation in education, organized by the Qatar Foundation, EAFIT and Confama, Wise. (May 24, 2023 – Medellín).
  • Inspiring Conversation Confama: An education that connects with each person’s purpose. (May 26, 2023 – Medellín).
  • Panel How can teachers face the challenges of the digital age? (May 26, 2023 – Medellín).
  • Participation in the Edutechnia Forum with two presentations and a permanent booth through which visitors were attended and the Foundation’s offer was shared. (August 31 and September 1, 2023).
  • II International Congress of Leadership and Teacher Excellence. (September 15, 2023 – Bogotá).
  • Leaders for Education Summit – Workshop Data + AI: Informed Educational Management. (September 27, 2023 – Bogotá).
  • Launch of the Tourism, Gastronomy and Hospitality Nanodegree. (October 10, 2023).
  • Genera Summit-Ágora event “Get to know Future Scenarios”. (October 25-26, 2023).
  • EdukaDigital organized by Computadores para Educar – Workshop Transmedia Narratives. (November 9, 2023 – Bogotá).
  • Launch of the Icetex Community, Telefónica Movistar Foundation strategic ally. (November 14, 2023).
  • With Colombia Líder, the strategy of supporting excellence in the management of mayors and governors was continued. The topics of digital education and digitization were linked to the application form for the “Best Governors” award, as mechanisms for innovation and sustainability for territories (December 12, 2023).

with Movistar

In alignment with the priorities with Movistar, the Foundation contributed to the positioning of the Movistar brand and reputation in digital citizenship issues, through:

  • Linking the Conecta Empleo offer in Movistar’s channels so that customers can access these opportunities that strengthen their life projects.
  • Volunteering activities in Popayán, Cúcuta, and Cartagena, where digital education workshops were held and educational spaces were improved to maximize the positive impact on local communities.
  • Collaboration in the Movistar B2B strategy through training actions aimed at clients, thus strengthening their digital competence and optimizing their experience with the services offered by the Company.
  • Participation in the workshop with Mochoman, focused on positioning the Movistar sin Barreras offer, designed to specifically benefit people with disabilities.

with Government

Long-term alliances were formalized with territorial entities and/or key government entities, which have helped maintain and improve the recognition and positioning achieved by the Foundation: 

  • In 2023, two calls were made to train SENA instructors from across the country, in training routes related to the development of digital skills and educational innovation, in which 660 instructors were trained and certified.
  • With the National Government’s Department of Social Prosperity (DPS), 10,403 young people were linked to entrepreneurship and employability projects. Additionally, young people from the Voluntary Impulse program are trained with the development of activities to adapt spaces for the care of older adults and elementary school students.
  • Progress was made in the development of the MOU with MinTIC, through which the entity’s public policy actions will be supported through the development of entrepreneurship and employability projects and teacher qualification.

Strategic partnerships were established in the long term with key territorial and government entities, thus consolidating the Foundation’s recognition and positive positioning. During 2023, these alliances were strengthened through:

  • Continuation of support actions for municipalities and departments, contributing significantly to local Development Plans.
  • Two calls were made in 2023 for the training of SENA instructors nationwide. These calls focused on training routes linked to the development of digital skills and educational innovation, achieving the training and certification of a total of 660 instructors.
  • Successful collaboration with the National Government’s Department of Social Prosperity (DPS), resulting in the involvement of 10,403 young people in entrepreneurship and employability projects. Additionally, training was provided to young people in the Voluntary Impulse program, participating in activities to adapt spaces for the care of older adults and elementary school students.
  • Significant progress was made in the development of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with MinTIC. This MOU aims to support the entity’s public policy actions through the development of projects focused on entrepreneurship and employability, as well as teacher qualification. 

Articulation with
the Private Sector and NGOs

The Telefónica Movistar Foundation’s programs and projects come to life through solid long-term partnerships with NGOs and private entities linked to the education sector. These collaborations not only contribute to the constant evolution of initiatives, but also facilitate their national reach, generating new ways of working and maximizing impact in each period.

  • The alliance with the Grupo Social Foundation was materialized, which opens the door to the involvement of new educational institutions in the ProFuturo Integral Model, generating new forms of work and financing for this implementation model. It is projected to train 186 teachers and 6,000 children for the year 2024.
  • In relation to academia, an agreement was established with the Universidad de la Salle and its Center for Excellence and Teacher Leadership, starting with the creation of a Diploma in Educational Innovation, aimed at student teachers from higher normal schools, achieving the participation of 158 students, of whom 67 were certified upon completing all required hours.
  • In partnership with Critertec Educación, experiences continue to be designed for teachers to explore educational trends that facilitate the development of innovative proposals that improve the dynamics of teaching practices. For 2023, the creation of a ProFuturo teacher community was carried out through WhatsApp. A model was also developed (Entre Tanto Cuento) that seeks to raise awareness and train on false news, aimed at children, youth, teachers, and professionals. 


In 2023, the Telefónica Movistar Foundation implemented strategic communication initiatives to increase the recognition and positioning of the Foundation as the leading entity in digital education, training for employability, and digital culture in the country.

Strategic Communications Deployment

A specific communication objective was established for each strategic pillar – Project Implementation, Participation in Public Policy and Positioning. In the area of Project Implementation, actions were aimed at executing communication plans to position the offer of each project. In terms of Positioning, the goal was to strengthen the Foundation’s perception among key stakeholder groups, evidencing the impact of its projects and its commitment to communities. Likewise, in the area of Participation in Public Policy, actions were taken to make visible the contribution of the Telefónica Movistar Foundation in debate spaces, promoting the conversation of digital education in public policy. 

Events and Milestones in 2023

In 2023, the Communications area of the Telefónica Movistar Foundation assumed the management of events as a key strategic component. From the coordination of suppliers to the planning and execution of calls, this section highlights the area’s central role in organizing events that were not only key moments in the calendar, but also essential vehicles for the effective dissemination of initiatives. 

First quarter:

  • Reactivation of the Inclusive Robotics School
  • Delivery of 580 School Kits in 17 territories across the country

Second quarter:

  • Event with the OAS: Launch of the Mapping of Good Practices in Digital Education in Latin America.
  • Webinar ‘Women in science: A journey to space without leaving Earth’
  • Webinar ‘From hobby to profession: The path to being an influencer’
  • DIVT: Telefónica International Volunteer Day
  • Regional Teacher Meeting: ‘Evaluating with purpose: Beyond grades’

Third quarter:

  • National Teacher Meeting: ‘AI for the classroom: A possible mission’
  • Delivery of ProFuturo infrastructure in Pasto, Nariño.
  • Webinar ‘AI 360: The revolution in everyday life’
  • Webinar ‘AI vs Humans: Get ready for the job change’
  • Launch of the Mathematics School: The happy equation of learning
  • Launch of the ‘Why Say No’ initiative with the Presidential Office for Reconciliation’
  • Graduation of the Escuela Impulso Mujer
  • Socio-emotional Skills Event: ‘EmpatÍA: How to manage emotions in the digital world’
  • Launch of the Digital Society Report in Latin America for Hispanic America
  • ProFuturo Meeting: ‘Data + AI = Informed Educational Management’

Fourth quarter:

  • Launch of the Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy Nanodegree
  • Event with MIT: ‘Integrating Learning: ProFuturo Teachers Facing the Challenges of AI’
  • Launch of the White Paper on Digital Transformation of the Third Sector in Latin America.
  • Christmas Campaign with Telefónica Volunteers

Stakeholder Engagement

The Telefónica Movistar Foundation implemented a communication strategy to strengthen its recognition among various stakeholder groups.

This initiative included:

  • With beneficiaries:
    Focusing on the dissemination of the offer of free, certified and updated training, the Foundation sought to connect beneficiaries with significant development opportunities, thus contributing to the achievement of goals in outreach.
  • With employees:
    Work was done to actively involve employees, highlighting them as protagonists of the Corporate Volunteering’s social actions, and achieving the established goals for volunteer participation.
  • With public and private sector allies:
    The strategy extended to the creation of collaborative spaces with public and private sector allies, promoting teamwork to expand the reach of strategic projects and facilitating the holding of high-level events.
  • With other Third Sector actors:
    The goal was to build a collective awareness by highlighting that all third-sector organizations share a common purpose: to contribute to the development and well-being of society.
  • With media outlets in the country:
    Collaboration with the media focused on telling positive stories related to entrepreneurship, employability, education, and digital culture in different regions of the country, thus promoting a constructive approach in media narratives.

With media outlets in the country

The indicators achieved in the Communications area of the Telefónica Foundation reflect the great visibility of its content and its consolidation as a benchmark in effective communication: with over 9.9 million interactions and reach, they illustrate the success of strategies to expand the Foundation’s digital presence. The significant increase in followers on key platforms such as Facebook (36,786), Twitter (24,586) and Instagram (12,466) not only expands the digital community, but also strengthens the reach of initiatives.

The figures for reproductions on YouTube (308,733) and other social networks (492,285) highlight the effectiveness of strategies to reach diverse audiences. The number of unique visitors to the website (213,547) indicates an active interest in the content offered, underlining the relevance of online communications.

The broad coverage achieved on Facebook, with a reach exceeding 8.8 million, demonstrates the capacity of campaigns to reach a wide audience. Interactions on Twitter (5,918) and newsletter subscriptions (2,856) reflect the direct connection and sustained interest of the audience in the topics addressed by the Foundation.

In the professional sphere, the increase in followers on LinkedIn (1,429) highlights the impact not only on the general public, but also on the business and professional sector. Finally, the growth in podcast reproductions (1,222) represents an advance in the diversification of content formats, providing a richer and more accessible experience for the audience.

Indicators Executed
Facebook Followers 36,786
Twitter Followers 24,586
Instagram Followers 12,466
YouTube Reproductions 308,733
Social Media Reproductions 492,285
Unique Website Visitors 213,547
Facebook Reach 8,832,664
Twitter Interactions 5,918
Newsletter Subscriptions 2,856
LinkedIn Followers 1,429
Podcast Reproductions 1,222
Total 9,932,492

Area Achievements

The Telefónica Movistar Foundation, in the communications area, celebrates notable achievements that demonstrate its positive and sustained impact. From exceptional recognition in reputation measurements to the consolidation of a digital community, there are key actions that reflect the continuous dedication to strengthen the Foundation’s presence and influence in the strategic communication sphere.

  • The Foundation achieved a perfect 10/10 measurement in the reputation thermometer during two assessments carried out by the provider Punto Cardinal during the year. This process, based on a stratified random sampling, analyzes the community’s perception of the Foundation’s work in traditional and social media.
  • The successful execution at 259% of the goals proposed for the year, which highlights the Foundation’s ability to materialize objectives effectively.
  • With 473 publications in the media, equivalent to a free press valuation of 4,130,000,000 and an audience impact of 84 million, the Foundation consolidated its presence in various channels, including digital media (388), print (28), radio (45) and television (12).
  • The application and selection for the Google Grants program, which grants up to USD 10,000 per month for digital advertising on Google Ads, is an achievement that will strengthen the Foundation’s ability to attract beneficiaries effectively.
  • The implementation of Perception Surveys for the general public and the beneficiaries of Conecta Empleo and ProFuturo revealed that “the public deeply values the Foundation’s commitment to society and its ability to generate a positive impact on the community.”
  • The leveraging of Telefónica Movistar’s corporate reputation, which identified the Foundation as a high-value intangible in the Company’s monthly reputation pulse.
  • The consolidation of the community through the growth of key indicators strengthened the Foundation’s presence and connectivity with the audience.
  • The significant improvements in internal processes, participation in events and fairs, and the inclusion of Foundation themes in the company’s strategic plan demonstrate the Telefónica Movistar Foundation’s ongoing commitment to reaching customers and society in general through different channels.


The recognitions received by the Telefónica Movistar Foundation during 2023 celebrate and highlight the entity’s ongoing commitment in various areas of social and environmental impact.

These recognitions are a reflection of the Foundation’s effort and positive contribution to Colombian society.

Social and environmental recognitions

of the Volunteering Program.

  • EcoGlobal and American Tower ‘Preservation of the Environment’: Highlights work in environmental preservation, recognizing the concrete actions taken to promote sustainability and environmental protection.
  • Presidential Office for National Reconciliation and Ministry of Justice and Law – Actions in Penitentiary Centers: Recognition for significant efforts in the implementation of positive actions in penitentiary centers, with particular emphasis on the Ruta Emprendedora strategy. This recognition highlights the valuable contribution of the Telefónica Movistar Foundation through the “¡Por qué decir No!” (Why Say No!) initiative in the La Modelo and Buen Pastor Penitentiary Centers.
  • Bogotá District Habitat Secretariat – ‘Comprehensive Habitat Improvement’: The Bogotá District Habitat Secretariat awarded this recognition to the Telefónica Movistar Foundation for its support of comprehensive environmental improvement programs in Bogotá.

Contribution to the Company:

The Telefónica Movistar Foundation, through its social actions, has played a fundamental role in positioning Telefónica Movistar as a leader in the ranking of Telcos with the best reputation in Colombia. This recognition reflects the positive impact that social initiatives have not only on society, but also on the perception and prestige of the Company in the telecommunications sector in the country.